Starting a vegetable garden was not easy. It meant hard work because we had to clear the land of stones, grass and trees. My wife and I live in Harare, Zimbabwe, and worked as a team to make sure our goal was accomplished.

We had no water at the plot because the borehole had not been working for years. Fortunately, it was able to be fixed and we had enough water to start our project.
The greatest challenge we had was that we had no resources. As we thought deeply about it, we searched all over the house for available resources. We found that we had some butternut, covo, tsunga, spinach and tomato seeds. We were so excited because we had something to start with. We had no money to buy fertilizers, so we used some manure.
We had much faith that it was going to work out. It was really amazing how we watched seeds germinate and grow. With God nothing is impossible.

Through My Path to self-reliance, we learned a lot of principles that are helping us manage our project. We now have enough vegetables to eat and sell. We will soon be embarking on other small projects.