The month of December is the birth month of the Prophet Joseph Smith, and with that as inspiration, we can learn three principles inspired by events from the early life of Joseph Smith that might be of value in our current situations and lives.
Lesson 1: You have an important mission to fulfill
“After a long period of apostasy and spiritual darkness, the time had come to fulfill the promises of the Lord that the Church of Jesus Christ would be restored to the earth,” Sister Oscarson said. “How would the Lord accomplish this great task? A baby was born.”
Born December 23, 1805, to a family of very meager means, Joseph Smith’s simple beginnings are no indication of the great things he would accomplish in his life.

Just as the young boy from humble beginnings was able to go on to do great things as he followed the guidance of the Spirit and took advantage of opportunities to learn and grow, so is the potential for every man and woman. Sister Oscarson encouraged everyone to learn to listen to the promptings as they make important decisions regarding their future.
“Are you living up to your potential and being true to your knowledge of who you are?” she asked. “Too often we become content with mediocrity in our standards, in our behavior, in our relationships, and certainly in our quest for spiritual and intellectual enlightenment. If you are not living up to the privileges you have been given in this life, now is a good time to reevaluate where and who you want to be now and in a few years, and begin making the changes that will help you rise above the commonplace which the world finds acceptable.”
It is through preparation, following the promptings of the Holy Ghost, and daring to reach for the stars that individuals are able to—like Joseph Smith—fulfill the mission the Lord has in mind for them.
Lesson 2: Stand up to criticism

“Think back to your 14-year-old self,” Sister Oscarson said. “How would you have reacted if all the trusted adults outside of your family began to make fun of you and persecute you? Would you begin to doubt yourself? Just as Joseph was able to stand up to sceptics surrounding him, individuals today will also receive help from the Lord as they exercise faith.
“I believe the Lord wants us to remember the times we have felt the Spirit and use our past experiences to strengthen us and enable us to defend our faith,” she said. “You have received the promise of help in times of need. You have at times felt the Spirit in your lives. You have experienced the joyous fruits of living the gospel. When opposition comes, or you are going through a trial where it is hard to feel the Spirit, remember the times you have received that witness, and hold on to your faith with both hands and all of your strength.”
Lesson 3: Understand the principle of repentance

“Put yourself in the shoes of this young prophet,” she said. “Can you imagine how he must have felt as this whole episode unfolded? Perhaps he understood that he had been entrusted with something of indescribable eternal importance and he had let the Lord down. Can we not all relate to those feelings? We are all human, which means we are all going to sin and make mistakes.”
Just as the Lord showed love and forgiveness to the Prophet, there is hope for all to repent and start again. “The Atonement of Jesus Christ is what makes it possible for us to both overcome serious mistakes and to be a better person today in our habits, relationships, and thoughts than we were yesterday. It is a joyous blessing and gift that gives us hope.”
It is through repentance and relying on the Savior that individuals are able to learn and grow in their faith. “Joseph Smith was asked to do some hard things, some unpopular things, but he never wavered,” she said. “I think we would all love to be more like the Prophet Joseph and learn from our mistakes.
“I love the Prophet Joseph Smith. His life, example, and experiences provide a rich resource for our learning and understanding of gospel principles. I have mentioned only three today—striving to be the best we can be, holding on to our faith in the face of criticism, and making repentance a part of our daily lives. A close study of the life of this prophet of God will yield many more rich and important life lessons,” Sister Oscarson said.