It was a lovely, warm spring day and the older children were enjoying a short holiday from school. They were restless and wanted to do a bit more than simply play in the garden. So, gathering them all together, I promised that when the daily household chores were completed we could all take a walk to the river which was fairly close to where we lived.

As we all walked along towards the river path I started to feel uneasy. I had a prompting that I should call the children together and tell them that they should walk behind me and not run ahead. I felt it rather strange that I should feel this way, but even though the children groaned and complained somewhat, I insisted. So there we were with me leading the family and still trying to enjoy the walk.
Then I had another prompting which was almost like a still, quiet voice which said “Pull the pram. Don’t push it”. I found this very bewildering – after all, who pulled a pram behind them when it is meant to be pushed? But the feeling became so strong that I obeyed. By now the children were very confused as well. This was meant to be a fun river walk. Why should they all walk behind Mom, and why was I pulling the pram behind me?
We continued our walk, and I remember trying to distract the children by pointing out the birds and the beauties of nature around us – when all they really wanted to do was surge ahead and explore on their own.
We soon came to a bend in the river path and as I walked around the bend I stopped myself just in time. Right there in front of me was a huge snake all curled up enjoying the warmth of the lovely spring day. I gasped in fright but did not panic, which was unusual for me because I am quite quick to do just that! I quietly told the children to stand perfectly still and then directed them to take an alternative route away from the snake. With big eyes and feeling rather frightened, they obeyed, and soon the snake incident was behind us and we continued to have a pleasant and enjoyable walk. The children ran around freely, had huge fun playing games and enjoying being outdoors.
I offered up a silent prayer to my Heavenly Father for His protecting love and care, as I now knew why I had received those promptings I had earlier thought so strange. Had I not been obedient and in tune with the Spirit, who knows what could have happened to any one of the children. If we stay faithful and live worthily we can all enjoy the closeness of the Holy Ghost guiding and directing our paths in life.