Elder Dale G. Renlund Concludes His Ministry in South Africa  


Elder Dale G. Renlund of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints concluded his two-week ministry in the Africa South Area. He was joined throughout the visit by his wife, Sister Ruth L. Renlund. The visit included stops in Zambia and Malawi, with South Africa marking the final destination. On Sunday, February 23, Elder Renlund had the opportunity to speak to over 900 Latter-day Saints and friends of the Church at the Krugersdorp chapel. The gathering was part of the Roodepoort Stake Conference, where the chapel and overflow rooms quickly filled with eager listeners, ready to hear the words of an Apostle of the Lord.  


The conference opened with remarks from President Michael Raymond Wills, Roodepoort Stake President, who spoke with heartfelt gratitude about the unmistakable joy that filled the hearts of his stake leadership at the opportunity of having Elder Renlund visit. President Wills reflected on the profound blessing of being ministered to by an Apostle of the Lord and sincerely admonished the congregation: “I am grateful for the Savior and His Apostles that He calls to speak directly to us. Listen closely to Elder Renlund’s words,” he encouraged.


The Homecoming


Elder Renlund was accompanied by Elder Carlos A. Godoy, General Authority Seventy and President of the Africa South Area, and his wife, Mônica Godoy. Having lived in Johannesburg for five years during his service in the Africa South Area Presidency, Elder Renlund shared that being back in Johannesburg felt like returning home.  

Elder Renlund spoke about the importance of the Atonement of Jesus Christ and the blessings that come through making and keeping sacred covenants. He emphasized that the knowledge of the Savior is essential to understanding these blessings. “The Atonement is a spiritual gift available to all who follow Christ,” Elder Renlund said, inviting all to embrace this divine gift and allow it to transform their lives.  


Elder Godoy also spoke, highlighting the divine protection that comes from following the Prophet, paying tithing, and prioritizing temple attendance. He urged members to strengthen their commitment to these principles.  


Sister Ruth Renlund also addressed the congregation, speaking on the importance of keeping the commandments. She noted that while commandments may seem restrictive at times, they are actually a guide to help us navigate life’s experiences and make choices that lead us closer to the Savior. “We show how much we love our Savior by being obedient,” she said. “We can trust God and His promises when we keep the commandments.”  


Building a Strong Foundation


Drawing an insightful parallel to the ongoing Salt Lake City Temple renovations, Elder Renlund referenced the installation of base isolators—mechanical devices designed to protect the temple from seismic activity. Just as these base isolators are vital in protecting the structure from harm, Elder Renlund outlined five “spiritual base isolators” that can help individuals navigate life’s challenges with strength and resilience. These five principles were:  

1. Know who you are and whose you are.  

2. Partake of the sacrament regularly.  

3. Heed not offenses or negative voices.  

4. Accept Church callings.  

5. Prioritize temple attendance.  

Elder Renlund emphasized that it is not enough to simply believe in these principles; one must come to know them for themselves. “What changes your life is when you come to know for yourself,” he shared. “When you do, these principles become base isolators in your life.” He explained that this personal conviction is the key to enduring and overcoming life’s trials.  


A Testimony of the Savior’s Healing Power 


Concluding his message, Elder Renlund testified of the Savior’s love and His divine role in healing the brokenhearted: “He loves to restore what you cannot restore. He loves to heal wounds you cannot heal. He loves to fix what is irreparably broken. He loves to compensate you for any unfairness you have experienced in life. He will consecrate your afflictions to your gain, and He will sanctify even your deepest distress. And He absolutely, absolutely loves to permanently mend even shattered hearts. That is the Christ that I know.”  

Reflections on the Message  

Linda Pillay from the Johannesburg North Stake reflected on Elder Renlund's message, noting the power of his words: “Remember who you are and whose you are.” This reminder, she said, helped her realize that we are children of Heavenly Father, and that knowledge strengthens her identity and faith.  

Having attended the Sisters' Devotional two days prior, Linda shared that her testimony had been strengthened by Elder Renlund’s counsel. “A lot of times we are a bit scared to say what we believe in or that we belong to this Church,” she admitted. “But he’s right—if the Savior was here, He would own us, so why can’t we own our testimonies?”  

Chad Turner, a member from Roodepoort, also shared his feelings about the visit. Sitting in the front row and shaking Elder Renlund’s hand, he felt a deep sense of peace and joy. “Having the Apostle here in my home ward, I felt the Spirit of the Lord,” he said. He expressed that the experience had renewed him, motivating him to apply the lessons learned at the conference in his life and share them with others. 
