Nick shares some of his feelings about what this experience meant. “It’s been long, but I still remember how happy I was, knowing that meant I was joining other young men in serving the sacrament. Important to me also, was the awareness that I would be involved in helping members to renew their covenants with Heavenly Father. The ordination made me an instrument in His hands, which made me feel so good,” Nick said with a broad smile.
Nick went on to explain that this meant much more than holding the sacramental tray. “I also assumed other Godly responsibilities such as looking after women and children, collecting members’ fast offerings and honouring the priesthood in a more meaningful manner,” Nick said.
He spoke about the things he has done that have helped him to remain worthy of the priesthood through the years. He mentioned The Duty to God program for the Young Men, which guides and leads them from one stage of the Aaronic priesthood, to another until the first Melchizedek priesthood ordination.
“At sixteen, I was ordained as a priest. My unwavering worthiness qualified me to attain such. I had been faithful in fulfilling the activities contained in The Duty to God pamphlet, and was advanced. You have to be willing to serve, and I was willing to serve,” said Nick, boldly.
After serving in each of the offices of the Aaronic priesthood, Nick was ordained to the Melchizedek priesthood when he turned eighteen. According to him, being ordained to the Melchizedek priesthood came after he acquired all the worthy attributes one would have acquired through faithful service in the Aaronic priesthood duties.
“The activities we perform in those Duty to God booklets must all be fulfilled. This is when you become an Elder and you can serve a mission, the best two years of a man’s life labouring in the Lord’s vineyard.
“The Lord says; And if it so be that you should labour all your days in crying repentance unto this people, and bring, save it be one soul unto me, how great shall be your joy with Him in the Kingdom of my Father! And now if your joy will be great with one soul that you have brought unto me into the Kingdom of my Father, how great will be your joy if you should bring many souls unto me (D&C 18:15, 16).”

“I quickly put on my white shirt and a tie, to look as formal as I possibly could be even though I was not going to church,” said Nick. “I laid my hands upon her head and prayed to Heavenly Father with confidence knowing that He hears and answers prayers that are offered in faith. When I came back from school in the afternoon, she was playing as if she never had been sick in the morning. My faith in the power of the priesthood was strengthened. That, and many other incidents have helped me to always be worthy of the priesthood: to keep the law of chastity, the word of wisdom and every other Godly attribute that will always keep me on the strait and narrow way,” he said.