Elder and Sister Robison, senior missionaries in the Seshego Branch, came and read to me the 90-Day Tithing Challenge from Elder Carl B. Cook, Prove the Lord, which was published in the September 2012 Liahona. I got catering work following their visit, and I paid my tithing. I was left with very little money to buy petrol and food for my next catering job. Somehow my car never ran out of petrol. I thanked the Lord and I knew he was blessing me because I had paid my tithing.
In order to reduce my expenses, I went to my gym and asked to be released from my contract. The people at the gym inquired why. I explained that I did not have a regular job and they answered, “You do now.” I was hired to advertise a new program to potential customers and was successful in signing many new clients for the program. The gym also gave me free membership and excused my debt to them. “Prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it” (Malachi 3:10).
A month later, my employer promoted me to Assistant Marketing Manager because of my success and enthusiasm. I am grateful to the Lord for opening the windows of heaven. I know if I obey the Lord's commandments and teach my children to do likewise, the Lord will continue to bless us.