Bloemfontein Stake Revives Kamohau Children's Care Centre


On Saturday, December 14, 2024, the Bloemfontein Stake of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints began a three-day project to refurbish the Kamohau Children’s Care Centre in Rocklands, a safe haven for up to 30 vulnerable children.  


Stake leaders, bishops, and members from Bloemfontein, Blomanda, and Rocklands rolled up their sleeves and worked side by side, doing laundry, scrubbing rooms, varnishing doors, emptying the septic tank, and repairing the plumbing and sanitation system.  Fixing the plumbing wasn’t just about improving the space, it was essential for the centre’s future. Without proper sanitation, Kamohau couldn’t qualify for government support. Now, Sister Khumalo, the centre’s founder, can submit registration forms, making it eligible for additional resources to better care for the children.   


The project concluded on December 21 with a special Christmas celebration. Volunteers distributed food parcels, Christmas gifts, and school uniforms then joined voices with the children and staff in singing Christmas carols.  This service effort was part of the global Light the World initiative, which invites people of all faiths and beliefs to serve their communities during the Christmas season by following the example of Jesus Christ through meaningful acts of kindness. 
