First Presidency: 'Motherhood is near to divinity. It is the highest, holiest service to be assumed by mankind. It places her who honours its holy calling and service next to the angels.'

Gordon B Hinckley: 'You are the real builders of the nation wherever you live, for you have created homes of strength and peace and security. These become the very sinew of any nation.'

Bernique Gandou, DRC: I love being a mother because it is a commandment of God, He helps me grow to better understand motherhood, and He helps me to discover and develop genuine love, which brings me closer to my Heavenly Parents.
Howard W Hunter: 'Mothers are given a sacred privilege to 'bear the souls of men; for herein is the work of [the] Father continued, that He may be glorified' (D&C 132:63).'
Janet Waua, Kenya: I love being a mother because they will learn from me as I teach them, watch over them and get to know each child and see them grow. I like to counseil with them when they are straying, to bring them back to the line of truth. They bring happiness into the home, eg during Monday home evening the house is filled with the Spirit through their beautiful voices and the way they always ask questions.
Harold B Lee: 'The most important of the Lord’s work you and I will ever do will be within the walls of our own homes.'

Shubrena Davies, Gauteng: I have six children and I love seeing them grow into their own personalities and love for each other. They always live in the moment and see the wonder in the world that we as adults don't pay attention to. They have so much love to give. I love hearing 'I love you Mom' from them.
Thomas S Monson: 'One cannot remember mother and forget God .... God and mother, partners in creation, in love, in sacrifice, in service, are as one.'

Faith Mugadzweta, Zimbabwe: I love being a mother because of the joy and happiness that I share with my children. But the most important thing I have realized is how I felt and appreciated my own mother the moment I had my first child. I love to see them grow each day. I would not trade the emotions felt by being a mother for anything; the ups and downs are memories pasted in my heart and mind forever.
David O McKay: 'Motherhood is the greatest potential influence either for good or ill in human life.'

Melissa Molema, Johannesburg: Motherhood is just so much fun. Motherhood is about being fully engaged and in tune with how your children feel. I love being a Mother.
Gordon B Hinckley: 'The greatest job that any mother will ever do will be in nurturing, teaching, lifting, encouraging and rearing her children in righteousness and truth. None other can adequately take her place.'
Jackie Scheepers, Gauteng: It gives me joy seeing my kids happy. It reminds me of the faith Heavenly Father places in me to take care of His spirit children here on earth.
Spencer W Kimball: 'It is important for you Latter-day Saint women to understand that the Lord holds motherhood and mothers sacred and in the highest esteem.'

Kayli-Anne Aploon-Zo, Cape Town: 'One of the best moments I create with my children is lying under warm blankets with them and talking...about everything, singing songs and telling stories. These moments help me feel love in a way I have never felt at any other time. This kind of love is pure and gentle, undefiled and eternal. I love being a mother, because I get to feel and know this kind of love.'
Russell M Nelson: 'The highest and noblest work in this life is that of a mother.'
Tarisai Mchuchu, Cape Town: I love being a mother because my children help me understand fully what 'charity, the pure love of Christ' means. They help me try harder to get closer to the goal of being fully possessed with this type of love because they have it fully. They trust, love and forgive me unconditionally. Through their innocent eyes, I know what love in Christ's terms means.
Jeffrey R Holland: 'May I say to mothers ....The very fact that you have been given such a responsibility is everlasting evidence of the trust your Father in Heaven has in you.'
Dorothy Noble, Namibia: There is no greater joy in this world than being a mother. A mother's love is always unconditional no matter her children's mistakes or shortcomings may be. Therefore my children mean the world to me.
L Tom Perry: 'I believe it is by divine design that the role of motherhood emphasizes the nurturing and teaching of the next generation.'

Brenda Kofi, Cape Town: I love being a mother because it brings out the best in me. Seeing my children being positive contributors in society makes me happy. The joy I see in their eyes when seeing me is priceless
Mara Lawrence, Paarl: I love being a mother because it is a never ending, growing, heavenly calling from God.
Neal A Maxwell: 'When the real history of mankind is fully disclosed ... will what happened in cradles and kitchens prove to be more controlling than what happened in congresses?'