LDS Charities have done it again! True example of faith in action.


LDS Charities Couple Elder and Sister McMurdie

LDS Charities Couple Elder and Sister McMurdie
Two schools received a shot in the arm after LDS Charities drilled a borehole for them and further donated 40 pairs of reading glasses to one of the schools. They also fixed blown off roofs, provided new desks and painted the other school.
At two separate handover ceremonies, Batsirai Special School and Masembura School in Harare, Zimbabwe, were very grateful for this noble deed and thanked The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for this special program that shows love to the less privileged.

The Batsirai greenhouse
After the borehole was drilled, a miracle was witnessed. Batsirai school, which was barren with no sign of vegetation, began to show life and blossomed as students began to plant and water local vegetables, squashes and mealies in their newly installed greenhouse which another NGO helped them with. Their garden looks amazing and students are learning skills they will be able to use for the rest of their lives.
Speaking during the handover ceremony, the headmaster said, 'The parents thought their children were useless and didn’t have the ability to do anything. They have been proved wrong! Thank you LDS Charities!”
Batsirai Special School, which is registered as a welfare organisation, was opened in 1984 and is situated in Dzivarasekwa, Harare. It has become a safe haven for children with disabilities from many surrounding communities.
Children with disabilities are mostly at risk of neglect, discrimination, abuse and most of them are denied access to basic human rights such as education, clean water and shelter.
As disciples of Jesus Christ, members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints strive to follow the Savior’s admonition to feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, take in the stranger, clothe the naked, and visit the sick and those in prison. The Savior also taught that we are to love and care for each other and visit the fatherless and the widow in their afflictions.
In the October 2011 LDS General Conference, President Dieter F. Uchtdorf said, “Too often we notice the needs around us, hoping that someone from far away will magically appear to meet those needs. When we do this, we deprive our neighbor of the service we could render, and we deprive ourselves of the opportunity to serve.”