People in the cities look forward to being with their relatives in the rural areas. I also love going to the rural areas with gifts for the elders and children. Children love to put on new clothes and receive gifts. In the morning people go to their respective churches and then go home to celebrate the rest of the day. People go from house to house, visiting their relatives and friends. This might take the rest of the day.
In each household you visit there will be plenty of food as people slaughter goats and chickens during this season. Gifts are also exchanged. Generally only the main room of the house is decorated. Ivy is often used to decorate the ceiling. I love visiting my relatives whom I haven’t seen for a long time.
The festive season ends with the New Year which is celebrated in the same way. People enjoy themselves giving thanks to the Lord for being in the New Year.
'He was born so I celebrate and enjoy the true spirit of Christmas and partake of the sweetness of it. Unto us a Saviour is born. What a great gift. My family and I would not let it be taken from us since we found our Saviour in a quiet chapel in the midst of Indonesia - Jakarta city. It's like I am one of the people who came to the cattle shed to see the little tiny baby in a cradle, the mooing of the cattle and the beeping of the sheep and goats, giving praise to the Mighty One, Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the world. My love to my Saviour. We will earnestly strive to serve Him and keep His commandments, and He will take us by His hand as we follow the shining star.'