I was baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on 17 November 2002 at the Windhoek Branch in Namibia. I loved the Church so much and its teachings, but due to work duties on Sundays, I could only attend Church once a month and this was really hard.

I didn’t know that the Church was in Swakopmund when I moved to Swakopmund. One day during my off day, I was walking around and later found myself in the vicinity where the Church is, and then I saw a road sign, with the name of our Church on it. I followed the sign and found the Church. I was so excited. The following off Sunday, I attended Church.
Once again, my work didn’t allow me to get off on Sundays to attend Church meetings, but I did pray for the Lord to bless me. I started paying my tithes and offerings and felt the joy in my bosom as I am striving to keep my baptismal covenants. I managed to get off one Sunday in the month and did take the opportunity to attend Church.
The Lord started to bless me through my obedience to His commandments, and in June 2015 I went to the Johannesburg temple for the first time. I was so excited. I received my own endowments and had the opportunity to do the work for both my parents, other family members, as well as other people. I witnessed the sealing of my parents and was sealed to them. My temple attendance opened the windows of heaven and blessed me with light & knowledge.

I have continued with my prayers, for a better position in the company that I work for, and also to be off on Sundays in order for me to attend my sacrament meetings. Although I had to work on Sundays, I have always strived to keep the Sabbath day holy, and to obey the Lord’s commandments. I have grown stronger in faith, day by day.
After one year, the doors opened to me and I knew that Heavenly Father had answered my prayers. I have received a promotion to a new position at the head offices in my company. This allows me to be off on Sundays. I was so excited when I received the news that I couldn’t hold back my tears, and I know that my Father loves His children and blesses them when they ask in faith.
Now I can attend Church on Sundays and I also can magnify my calling. I thank Heavenly Father for the wonderful blessings He bestowed upon me.
“I, the Lord, am bound when ye do what I say; but when ye do not what I say, ye have no promise” (Doctrine & Covenants 82:10). Our God is a faithful God. He never fails us. Let us all press on and endure to the end and we shall return one day and live with Him again. I testify all these things to be true. I know that more blessings will come our way as we continue to serve the Lord, keep His commandments and do what is right.
Read how others were blessed for keeping the Sabbath day holy:
Read how others were blessed for keeping the Sabbath day holy:
Read more temple stories.