My feelings during my educational pursuit fluctuated all the time. I found I was always happy when I passed. In tertiary studies, failing a subject / module means you are going to repeat it, unlike in high school. Because studying is like a full time job, planning was always a major part of it. I was mostly just grateful that PEF could help me finish my last two years of university.
At times you have to prioritize and put things in order. Social life was limited, especially around tests and exam weeks, or those times when I had assignments that needed to be handed in within the same time frame. When you submit a test late you are penalized or it doesn’t get marked and you get a zero for it. So I always had to be on time. I made sure that I always paid my tithing so that I could remain worthy of the blessing of PEF, and that really made me feel good. I graduated with an average of 65%, getting above 80% on two of my modules.
Life is good now. Studying does help, because you invest in yourself and in your future. I enjoy my job, which isn’t just a job but a career. Church is wonderful. I love my callings and I really love the gospel more and more each day. I am blessed with a degree that can help me build a successful life of self-reliance. In turn, I can bless the lives of others with my little efforts. I am still repaying my loan. I am really blessed with the knowledge that Heavenly Father isn’t just concerned about my spiritual well-being but my temporal welfare too. He’s in the details of my life. I’m blessed because I am a full tithe payer.
When you get to know yourself and find what makes you happy, you are then better able to serve others and help them. My advice to others is that they research thoroughly the courses they choose to make sure that it is something they love, and that it will help them get decent employment and become really self-reliant.