November 2016, Apostle and a world leader of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Elder D. Todd Christofferson accompanied by his wife, Katherine visited four countries and spoke at 15 meetings to thousands of excited members. Join them in this photographic tour.
Arriving in Central Africa, visiting at first The Republic of Congo, followed by Cameroon and then South Africa and Botswana in the south.

Saints eagerly await the Apostle in Yaoundé Cameroon, for most the first time ever to see an Apostle in the flesh.

Everywhere he went he obliged the excited members by greeting them and allowing photos, many of which were selfies.

As a special witness of Christ he taught missionaries in special zone conferences across the region.

He greeted members with a big handshake and a warm smile.

Moving to Southern Africa he conducted 3 leadership training meetings. Here in Botswana teaching to lead as the Saviour did.

Accompanying the tour were the Africa Southeast Area Presidency and Elder and Sister Soares who is a member of the presidency of the Seventy. From left to right – Elders Palmer, Soares, Christofferson, Hamilton, Ellis.
Elder D. Todd Christofferson with the Stake Patriarch, Louis Groenewald from the Centurion Stake greet young men on arrival for a member meeting.

Elder Christofferson taught with power and testimony. “I know Him, and I know He lives by my own experience; I can say that he is the Head of The Church, He leads it Himself, He is active in His leadership,” he said in a Centurion member meeting.

He taught and strengthened mission presidents. Here with the Merrills, mission president from Cape Town, South Africa.

Despite the busy schedule Elder D. Todd Christofferson took time to reach out to opinion leaders in the community, here with Mayor Herman Mashaba of Johannesburg where he presented the Family Values Award.

Here with Advocate Reg Willis, the chairman of the Christian Lawyers Association discussing religious freedom, which is vital for people of faith everywhere.

Arriving at the Soweto Stake Conference with over 1600 member in attendance.

Everywhere he greeted members, especially children and youth, and left his Apostolic blessing: “I bless you that your faith may grow, that you can endure what you must, that you can change what you need to change, that He may reign in your house and that you will have joy, that He will answer your prayers and that the influence of the adversary will be curtailed.” Later posting on Instagram and Facebook he said, “It is very clear to me that the people of Africa are spiritually inclined. They believe in God, and they naturally look to Him for help. Their desire to attend the temple is an inspiration to me.” The tour was a great success.