Elder Dale G. Renlund, a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, along with his wife, Sister Ruth L. Renlund, recently embarked on a remarkable journey in the Republic of Zambia. This visit marked the beginning of a multi-country ministry within the Africa South Area of the Church. For Elder Renlund, the experience was deeply personal, as he returned to an area that had been central to his previous service as the Area President of the Africa South East Area. It was not just a ministry visit, but a heartfelt homecoming for both Elder and Sister Renlund as they had resided in Johannesburg for 5 years.

On Sunday, February 16, 2025, a profound spirit filled the air as buses began arriving well in advance of a special Stake and District conference. Members and friends from the Lusaka Stake, Ndola, and Kitwe Districts eagerly gathered, anticipating Elder Renlund’s inspired teachings. Their eager faces reflected a shared longing to hear guidance from an Apostle of the Lord.

Five Foundational Principles to Strengthen Our Lives
Elder Renlund shared five foundational principles that are essential for overcoming life's challenges and inviting the power of heaven into our lives. These principles, rooted in faith and discipleship, serve as pillars upon which we can build a stronger connection with God:
Knowing Our Identity in Christ
Faith in Jesus Christ
Reading and Praying about the Book of Mormon
Developing Christlike Love and Unity
The Natural Outcome of These Principles: A Desire to Serve in the Savior’s Work

On the fifth principle, Elder Renlund emphasized the natural progression that follows from embracing the first four: “If we stand by the first four—knowing our identity, our faith in Jesus Christ, our firm belief in the restoration of the gospel, and developing Christlike love and unity—the natural outcome is a deep desire to join the Savior in His work, to assist Him in His glorious mission.”

The Power of the Book of Mormon: A Personal Invitation
To further illuminate the third foundational principle, Elder Renlund shared a deeply personal story from his youth. As an 11-year-old, a Mission President invited him and his peers to read the Book of Mormon and pray to know of its truth. Elder Renlund recalled how this simple yet powerful invitation shaped his spiritual journey.
In a heartfelt moment, Elder Renlund invited the 11-year-olds present in the congregation to come forward and join him on stage. Standing side by side, he challenged them: “Will you read the Book of Mormon as I did when I was your age? Will you pray about it? Will you help your parents do the same?” The children, full of faith, nodded in unison, promising to take this challenge to heart. Turning to the congregation, Elder Renlund encouraged, “If they can do it, you can too.”

A Spirit of Priesthood and Service
Accompanying Elder and Sister Renlund were Elder Vaiangina Sikahema, the second counselor in the Africa South Area Presidency, his wife Sister Keala Sikahema, and Area Seventy, Elder Ignatius Maziofa. Elder Sikahema, in his remarks, bore a powerful testimony of the Priesthood, urging parents to instill gospel principles in their children: “Your sons, though young, are not too young. Teach them now, and they will grow into the gospel.”

An Invitation to Serve in the Savior’s Work
In closing, Elder Renlund extended a profound invitation to all those present: “Be willing to serve. Be willing to share. Be willing to use the talents you’ve been given to help Jesus Christ in His latter-day work, to bring salvation to the children of men.” His words resonated deeply, calling the Saints to action with a renewed sense of purpose.
As the meeting came to a close, Elder Renlund personally greeted each of the more than 1, 200 Saints and friends in attendance at the conference. The atmosphere was filled with a deep sense of gratitude and spiritual upliftment, as each individual felt the profound impact of the Apostle’s visit.
Following the conference, a sister from the Lusaka stake, Sam Pashad, said, “Being here today, I was reminded of the Savior’s love. Hearing Elder Renlund talk about my divine nature touched my heart because it reaffirmed what I had already learned in Primary, something I sometimes tend to forget: I am a child of God.”

Young Adult Devotional
Later that afternoon, Elder Renlund addressed the young adults at the Lusaka Stake Center during a special Young Adult Devotional. He emphasized that knowing Jesus Christ is not confined to gender or priesthood office, but is a spiritual gift available to all who qualify. “To know that Jesus Christ was crucified for the sins of the world, for your sins and mine, is a precious gift,” he said.

Sister Ruth L. Renlund’s remarks complemented her husband’s, underscoring that simply knowing is not enough. “To know something, you must act on it,” she explained. “Faith grows through action.” She encouraged the young adults to express their faith through their actions, emphasizing that the way we show our faith is with our feet—by stepping forward in trust and action.

Elder Renlund then spoke about the power of personal choice, highlighting that it is up to each individual to choose to exercise faith in Jesus Christ, serve Him, and invite His Spirit into their lives. “When we do this,” he continued, “mountains shall flee before us and rivers will turn from their course.” He acknowledged that everyone faces different challenges, such as loneliness, doubt, or illness, but the key to overcoming these “mountains” is to increase our faith—and that takes effort.

The Church has been in Zambia since the 1940s when the first Latter-day Saints arrived in the Copperbelt Region of Zambia but missionary work ceased in 1969. In the 1990s, returning converts helped re-establish the Church, and a branch was organized in Lusaka in 1992. Since then, the Church has grown steadily, with the first stake formed in Lusaka 2015. Today, there are more than 5,000 Latter-day Saints in Zambia.